
Aether symbol
Aether symbol

‘Amar (Day) and Melana (Moon) and third, Skotos (Darkness) as far as Marmarugas (Flashings) ’ : days does not mean simply day, but contains the idea of the sun. So at the same moment there came into being Poros and Tekmor and Skotos. ‘And the third, Skotos' (Scotus, Darkness) ’ : since neither sun nor moorn had come into being yet, but matter was still undifferentiated. After that, ancient Poros (Contriver) and Tekmor (Tecmor, Ordinance) ’. Greek Lyric II) (Greek lyric C7th B.C.) :

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Alkman (Alcman), they say, tells that the heaven belongs to Akmon."Īlcman, Fragment 5 (from Scholia) (trans. "The father of Ouranos (Uranus, Heaven), as was said already, is called Akmon (Acmon) because heavenly motion is untiring ( akamatos) an the sons of Ouranos are Akmonidai (Acmonidae) : the ancients make these two points clear. THE COSMOGONY OF ALCMANĪlcman, Fragment 61 (from Eustathius on Iliad) (trans. Oceanus, Themis, Tartarus, Pontus and Titanes: Briareus, Gyes, Steropes, Atlas, Hyperion and Polus, Saturnus, Ops, Moneta, Dione and three Furiae (Furies), namely Alecto, Megaera, Tisiphone." II. įrom Aether and Terra (Earth) : Dolor (Grief), Dolus (Deceit), Ira (Wrath), Luctus (Lamentation), Mendacium (Falsehood), Jusiurandum (Oath), Vltio (Vengeance), Intemperantia (Intemperance), Altercatio (Altercation), Obliuio (Forgetfulness), Socordia (Sloth), Timor (Fear), Superbia (Pride), Incestum (Incest), Pugna (Combat), "From Chaos : Caligine (Darkness).įrom Chaos : Nox (Night), Dies (Day), Erebus, Aether.įrom Aether and Dies (Day) : Terra (Earth), Caelum (Sky), Mare (Sea). these are fabled to be the children of Erebus (Darkness) and Nox (Night). " the parents of Caelus (Sky), Aether (Upper Air) and Dies (Day), must be held to be gods. "Of Nyx (Night) were born Aither (Aether, Light) and Hemera (Day), whom she conceived and bare from union in love with Erebos (Erebus, Darkness)."Ĭicero, De Natura Deorum 3. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C8th or C7th B.C.) : Source: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology.ĬLASSICAL LITERATURE QUOTES AETHER & THE BIRTH OF THE COSMOS I. In later times Aether was regarded as the wide space of Heaven, the residence of the gods, and Zeus as the Lord of the Aether, or Aether itself personified. In the Orphic hymns(4) Aether appears as the soul of the world, from which all life emanates, an idea which was also adopted by some of the early philosophers of Greece. 2, &c.) These accounts shew that, in the Greek cosmogonies, Aether was considered as one of the elementary substances out of which the Universe was formed. 16.) The children of Aether and Day were Land, Heaven, and Sea, and from his connexion with the Earth there sprang all the vices which destroy the human race, and also the Giants and Titans.

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124), Aether was the son of Erebus and his sister Night, and a brother of Day. Staveren), he was, together with Night, Day, and Erebus, begotten by Chaos and Caligo (Darkness). ALGOS (DOLOR), DOLOS (DOLUS), LYSSA (IRA), PENTHOS (LUCTUS), PSEUDOLOGOS (MENDACIUM), HORKOS (JUSIURANDUM), POINE (ULTIO), ? (INTEMPERANTIA), AMPHILOGIA (ALTERCATIO), LETHE (OBLIVIO), AERGIA (SOCORDIA), DEIMOS (TIMOR), ? (SUPERBIA), ? (INCESTUM), HYSMINE (PUGNA) (by Gaia) (Hyginus Preface)ĪETHER (Aithêr), a personified idea of the mythical cosmogonies. NEPHELAI (Aristophanes Clouds 563) OFFSPRING DAIMONES GAIA, OURANOS, THALASSA (by Hemera) (Hyginus Preface) OURANOS (Alcman Frag 61, Callimachus Frag 498, Cicero De Natura Deorum 3.17) KHAOS (Hyginus Preface) OFFSPRING PROTOGENOI KHRONOS & ANANKE (Orphic Argonautica 12, Orphic Fragment 54) EREBOS & NYX (Hesiod Theogony 124, Cicero De Natura Deorum 3.17)

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The aither enveloped the mountain peaks, clouds, stars, sun and moon.Īether's female counterpart was Aithre (Aethra), Titaness of the clear blue sky and mother of the sun and moon. The third was the upper air of aither, the mist of light and blue of the heavenly ether. The lower air was erebos, the mists of darkness, which enveloped the dark places beneath the earth and the realm of the dead. The middle air was aer or khaos, a colourless mist which enveloped the mortal world. In the ancient cosmogonies night and day were regarded as elements separate from the sun.Īither was one of the three "airs". In the morn his sister and wife Hemera dispersed night's mist to reveal the shining blue ether of day. In the evening his mother Nyx drew her dark veil across the sky, obscuring the ether and bringing night. His mists filled the space between the solid dome of the sky ( ouranos) and the transparent mists of the earth-bound air ( khaos, aer). AITHER (Aether) was the primordial god (protogenos) of light and the bright, blue ether of the heavens.

Aether symbol