Give him the Burger and he’ll give you a Ladder. SIDE QUEST #01: Purchase a ‘Grand Slam Burger’ at McSticks and go to Island 2. Once done, you can hand them in for either Positive or Negative Karma. To obtain the Hoverboard, you’ll need to collect 4 Trophemon’s (Rare Birds) by completing 4 separate side quests. If you have enough patience and time, you can keep gambling until you hit $300,000+ and then buy all the items. On Island 1, near the bottom of the island is an NPC called ‘The Dimensional Drifter’ who sells all 4D Objects, each for $100,000. Because time doesn’t pass when gambling, you can do this as long as you want to. You’ll also get the ‘Hustler’ trophy in the process (Read that section for more info). You should be able to get this trophy relatively quickly. If you lose all your money, quit the game without saving and reload your save, then try again. If you notice a losing streak (5+), quit the table and re-enter it. Sometimes you might get lucky, other times not so much. Make your starting Bid at $100 and keep increasing it each time you win. I recommend you pick and stick to Unicornelius. There are 2 horses with the highest Success Odds.

Head to The Casino and begin betting at The Race Horses Once you have the cash, make a Save (This will be handy later). When you first start, immediately begin working and get $1000. This trophy requires a bit of luck, but not too much. Hand them all to Professor Ansel and the Trophy is yours. Negative – Hand them to The Cocaine Cowboy in front of Cozy Condos at Night.Įither option will reward you with The Mobius Strip. Positive – Hand them to the Cop at the Police Station.

Hand them the screwdriver and they’ll give you a bag. There are a group of thugs trying to break in. SIDE QUEST #02: Purchase a Screwdriver at Hardware or give an Old Hot Dog to a Sewer Person, then head to Island 1 and go to New Lines Inc at Night. If you have enough Charm, you can talk to the Lady at the mirror and she’ll hand over her bag. SIDE QUEST #01: Head to The Club at Night and go to the Women’s Bathroom. You can buy all 3 from The Contraband Salesman behind Skye’s Bar at Night OR complete 2 separate side quests and buy the third bag. To do this, first you’ll need 3 Bags of Cocaine. SECRET – If you head to The Club at night with 500+ Strength, you can challenge Broski to an Arm Wrestling competition and he’ll give you one. He’ll give you the Klein Bottle in return. Head behind The Club on Island 3 during the Afternoon and give them to The Squeegee Kid. Negative – Purchase ‘Pain Killers’ at Wallymart and give it to him.Įither option, he’ll give you a Squeegee. Positive – Purchase ‘Self-Help Book’ at Wallymart and give it to him. On the first world, during the Afternoon there is an NPC called Suicidal Goth Dude standing near the edge. Negative – Bail out the Nigerian Prince at the Police Station. You’ll need at least 500+ Intelligence for this. He can be found at The University of Stick. Positive – Beat Chess Master Chase (Yellow Head) at a game of chess. Each one can be obtained with Positive or Negative Karma. They are 4D-Hypercube, Klein Bottle and Mobius Strip. Once you have all Stats maxed out, then you can beat the game and begin NGP.

This is important because it will save you a lot of days instead of having to waste time. Before you beat the game and start NGP, make sure to max out all Stats (Check the STATS section for more info). This can be done on a first playthrough (Check ‘Fast Cash’ for more info) but if you’re me, you’ll want to do this on NGP. For Speed Run, you need to obtain The Lab Key in 15 days or less. I put these two together because they are essentially the same trophy. *You can be positive or neutral for beating the game, but I recommend Positive Choose Positive Karma and max out The Government job to get the most cash you can get from any profession. And when you begin grinding professions the money will start to build up, making the ‘Monopoly’ and other property related Trophies much faster to get. As you put money into your account, you’ll gain more overtime. When starting a new game, choose the ‘Wall Street Wizard’ Perk. I recommend you do ‘Speed Run’ and ‘Fast Cash’ first and then work on the other trophies, as you’ll have to start NGP and don’t want to grind everything twice for that 100% Completion. NGP removes all your items, cash, weapons, resets your professions, days and sets your Karma to 0 BUT you keep your Strength, Intelligence and Charm along with any trophies you’ve gotten previously. The left portal will throw you into the first game, the middle portal ends the game and the right portal starts ‘New Game Plus’ (NGP). After defeating Professor Ansel, you are given 3 endings.